Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Birthday...

Today is my husband's 53rd birthday. He's so tired. He's been at work the past 28 days with only evenings at home. Seven 12 hour days ongoing and ongoing. So, today I made him a lemon cake in the shape of a heart with a huge pot of spaghetti and meatballs! He came home exhausted and was so surprised :) I decked him out in Harley gear for his birthday - to include a Hallmark Christmas ornament Harley style!! He's sedated from lots of food and cake and blissfully happy. I love you, Daddy.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday...

Today is my mom's 68th birthday. She is physically with us, but she has end-stage Alzeimer's and mentally is not aware. I saw her yesterday and surprisingly, when I asked her for a kiss, she planted a "big one" on my cheek. Now, I know it's not my birthday, but that was the best gift I could have ever asked for. I miss her so and wear reminders of her daily - my father passed down one of her favorite, most beautiful watches and bracelets to me yesterday. I'm wearing them with pride, honor and memory today. I've made a vow that the bracelet I shall never remove. If the watch were not so fragile I might wear it too all the time, but the bracelet shines with diamonds just like my mom. A gem of a woman. A hell of a lady. I love you, mommy.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

When God Speaks...

If God Was A Man - This Is What I'd See

Sometimes when I'm bored - I like to find artwork and pictures on the net of things that randomly pop in my head. Yeah. Strange game but art is cool.
Then it hit me -- bam --- why don't you show other people what you find and see if they agree. Not that anybody but Heather reads my blog. So, this is today's.

Friday, October 10, 2008


)Giggling Madly(


(stifling a giggle)
I just can't stop.

**Warning** I'm Not Sleepy...Can U Tell?!?!?

I should stop, huh?


(Loud Gasp)

I believe I've been the victim of a drive by comment spammer.

Who Is Scarier?

Okay - This is funny - I don't care who you are.

Ok - Just 1 More Thing -*-

I wish I had this sticker. I would litter the front of my house with it.

The Older The Bull, The Stronger The Horns....Nuff Said!

Which Archangel Are You?

You are Gabriel, Archangel of the West. Next to Michael, you are the only other angel mentioned in the New Testament Bible. Even though you are not cited as an archangel, you are commonly recognized as being equally powerful. In the Christian faith, you are best known as the angel who brings Mary the news of her virgin conception (Luke 1:26-38). Communicative, artistic, and diplomatic you are passionate about promoting good will and creating interpersonal relationships. Those who seek guidance in speech and better teaching skills look to you as their patron. You share an archangel feast day with Michael and Raphael on September 29.

Where Has Time Gone?

Do you ever wonder where the time has gone? In fact, it has not gone anywhere.
Time keeps coming in an endless procession, and as soon as one moment is finished, another one begins. The problem is not that time has gone away, for it has not. The problem is that you haven't made full use of it. Fortunately, that is a situation you can change right now.

When you find yourself wondering where the time has gone, understand that thought for what it truly is. It is your way of reminding yourself of how very much you can do if you simply make the commitment to do it.

Don't waste another minute regretting all the time you've wasted in the past. Resolve in this moment to put the time you now have to meaningful and rewarding use.

Fill your time with action, with love, with meaning, with purpose, with richness and with life. Instead of wondering where the time has gone, be delighted with where it takes you.

-- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Live. Love. Laugh.

Life is so busy. Everytime I turn around something is happening - albeit something good - something enlightening - something groovy - but SOMETHING is always happening. Work is so incredibly busy. I am a case manager for food stamp, Medicaid and temporary cash assistance clients. With the fall of our economy, my job and my duties have tripled! Now mind you - I am a lowly paid state employee (the benefits do however ROCK). Yet, I love what I do. It's challenging and each day is always different. I'm always guaranteed a major brain workout and usually end up feeling rewarded. There are days that the system fails and rewards those who probably should not be rewarded. However, there are days when I have to really use my investigative skills and teach a client that the system does sometimes work! That's usually where the fun comes in.

Big sigh...

Life is good. It's good to love your job. It's also good to know that in five more months I will start telecommuting to work! Now that is a reward. An awesome reward.

I've changed my life. Actually, I think since I've turned 40 - the chemical makeup of my brain has changed. I'm happy. I'm content with who I am and what I have to do to remain an all around great person. I don't know what caused this change to occur - but 40 seems to have done it. I woke up one day and thought to myself - you have the power to do whatever you want to do. There is nothing stopping you. It's all about me and it's all up to me. Only I make my choices. No one else. I think God finally got through to me and embedded it in my head that no one else is going to make me happy. Only ME will make me happy. Since then I've dropped 11 pounds, had a friend join me in the best change of our life -- new eating habits, I've joined Curves and haven't missed but one day (I was sick I swear) and I actually love CURVES. I go in before work, it's right next door, I exercise and chill for a minute, clean up, dress and put on my makeup and walk to work from there. I get to measure how many inches I've lost in two weeks. But, finally I've realized - it doesn't matter how many inches or how many pounds - it's all about just being healthy and doing the right thing to remain that way. I feel so much better (low carb rocks). My energy level has increased tenfold.

In a nutshell, being 4o kicks butt. I wish I could have skipped all those years and just jumped to the here and now. I am a woman. Hear me roar!